Thursday, January 6, 2022


My name is Paolo Benedict  and I was born in June 2005 – the same year Pope John Paul II, the Pope most loved by Filipinos, passed away and succeeded by Pope Benedict XVI.  Yes, I was named after the 2 Popes, and that is no accident.

I am the youngest in a brood of five (5).  The eldest is Patricia, a graduate of Doctor of Jurisprudence from Ateneo Law School, and is preparing for her bar examination come January 2022.  The second one is Michaela, a Certified Public Accountant by profession and working at SGV & Co.  I consider her as the strictest tutor among my siblings.  Third in line is Miguel who taught and inspired me to play basketball.  Us is a classic example of a mentee becoming better than his mentor, as I beat him several times in our pick-up basketball games.  The fourth one is Antonio, the techie in our family, who would be always there for me to set up my gadgets and computing needs, in return for which, I prepare his midnight snacks with my perfected skills of cooking different kinds of one-meal fried rice. 

My interests include playing basketball and golf, and reading during my spare time.  I am the only one in the brood of five who wants to follow the footsteps of my Dad as a CPA-Lawyer.  I plan to take up my law studies in Ateneo Law School, which according to my eldest sister, is one of the top, if not the best, law schools this country has to offer. 

Being the youngest child in the family, I enjoy several perks — from selecting restaurants where we would eat after Sunday masses to remaining as the apple of my Mom’s eye.  In fact, one of the most contested claims in our household is my being the favorite among the 5 children, especially by my Dad.  My siblings would refute it at first, but would eventually concede that my claim as the “favorite bunso” is a top secret – one that even my dad knows nothing about. 

Some people say, however, that being the youngest also has its disadvantages.  Being told to “just follow!” instead of being encouraged to be a leader; “just listen!” instead of being encouraged to be articulate of my thoughts; and to “just obey!” instead of being encouraged to stand my ground for my beliefs.  Despite all these, I still see the world differently.  I see it through more colorful and hopeful eyes.  As a young man, I am determined to find my passion, discover and maximize my potential, and most importantly, live a life free from judgments, comparisons, and restrictions.  As my Dad would always say:  “we are all unique with different gifts to offer the world.  Make sure to use them to make the world a better place to live in not just for you, but also for future generations.”  END.